Natural Approach to Your Health

Explore natural approach to your health. Find out more about natural/alternative treatment and prevention of various diseases. Be in sync with your natural state of your body by enhancing your body's natural abilities to heal rather than adding harsh chemicals to your sacred body.

Location: Queensland, Australia

I am originally from Japan, moved to New Zealand in 1994 then to Australia in 1997. I love it here because I can freely be myself! Although I still love where I came from, I found that it was very difficult to be who I really am in Japan because of the social pressure, cultural rules as well as the expectations to serve family's expectations... I am very happy with where I am now and enjoying every moment of my life. :)

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Badly Sunburnt?

I went to the beach one day trying to surf for the first time in my life. Weather was perfect. Water was nice and cool. I enjoyed the cool water on my skin, stumbling on the surf board, and the beautiful view.

That night, when I came back home, I had realised that I got really badly sunburnt especially around my chest and neck. Yes, I underestimated the sun on the beach... I did put sunblock but didn't re-apply it. Silly me... Now, I am looking into the mirror and there's me with painfully red skin looking back at me. Having shower was painful. Putting my PJs was painful. I felt my body was burning. What can I do?
Then I remembered about Transfer Factor RenewAll (Cell Renewing Gell). I applyed Transfer Factor RenewAll (Cell Renewing Gell) on to the area I got badly sunburnt, hoping that it would make it a little better.

Next morning, I couldn't believe my eyes. All the redness was gone. No more painful skin. It looked perfectly normal, probably a little darker than before. No blisters. No peeling skin.
Thanks to Transfer Factor RenewAll (Cell Renewing Gell).

If anyone experienced "the miracle" with Transfer Factor, please let me know about your story.


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