Natural Approach to Your Health

Explore natural approach to your health. Find out more about natural/alternative treatment and prevention of various diseases. Be in sync with your natural state of your body by enhancing your body's natural abilities to heal rather than adding harsh chemicals to your sacred body.

Location: Queensland, Australia

I am originally from Japan, moved to New Zealand in 1994 then to Australia in 1997. I love it here because I can freely be myself! Although I still love where I came from, I found that it was very difficult to be who I really am in Japan because of the social pressure, cultural rules as well as the expectations to serve family's expectations... I am very happy with where I am now and enjoying every moment of my life. :)

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Milk and/or Egg Allergy and Transfer Factor

As we received number of enquiries from those with milk allergy/egg allergy regarding to the use of Transfer Factor for these allergies, I decided to put the response we received from the manufacture here.

Transfer Factors themselves are non-allergenic. 4Life's extraction process eliminates common allergens in egg and colostrum sources. Any remaining lactose in colostrum-derived transfer factors is far below the amounts that typically cause reactions. (As a precaution, people with allergies specifically to egg yolks, should check with their physician before taking 4Life Products with Transfer Factor E-XF or Targeted Transfer Factor.)

Lactoferrin is a non-allergenic iron-binding protein derived from milk. In preparing transfer factor we remove the large molecular proteins. Casein is one of these large proteins and is responsible for many milk allergies. We have not had any reports of allergic reactions from people taking 4Life Transfer Factor products who are allergic to milk, however we recommend that you consult a medical professional before-taking any new dietary supplements. We also suggest to follow the directions on our products, in the case of RioVida the recommended dose is one ounce or more a day. We have never been able to demonstrate toxicity with transfer factors and so there is not a safety issue associated with that.

The capsule and tablet products do not contain preservatives. They have a shelf life of two years. The natural preservatives in RioVida are, as listed on the label: lysozyme, lactoperoxidase.

Hope this will help you. :)

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